About us

Kevin V. Kelley, B.C.O., BADO, FASO
Owner, Board Certified Ocularist, Board Approved Diplomate Ocularist, Fellow of the American Society of Ocularists
Born and raised in the Philadelphia area, Kevin is an alum of LaSalle College High School, and graduated from La Salle University with a Bachelor of Science degree in 1978. He joined the American Society of Ocularists (ASO) in 1978 as an apprentice under John J. Kelley, Sr.
In 1983 Kevin received his diploma from the ASO and obtained his certification by the National Examining Board of Ocularists (NEBO). He became a Fellow of the ASO in 1986.
Kevin has held many leadership roles within the ASO, including serving on the ASO Education Committee from 1985 to the present, as Co-Chair of the Education Committee from 1991-2002, and as a past Board of Director of the ASO.
Kevin has served as a past Chairman of the Written Exam Committee for NEBO, and as an examiner for the NEBO practical exam.
Currently, Kevin serves as the administrator of the ASO final practical exam.
Kevin resides with his wife Robin in the Philadelphia area. They have three children.
Awards, Patents, and Publications
1992: Two US Patents for the invention of the SLP, Self Lubricating Prosthesis.
2004: The Distinguished Service Award from the ASO for his contributions to the society.
2013: The Lee Allen Award from the ASO, the highest award the ASO gives for contributions to the ASO and Ocularist profession.
2017: Kelley’s Dictionary for Ocularistry (Third edition)

Colleen E. Kelley, B.C.O., BADO
Board Certified Ocularist, Board Approved Diplomate Ocularist
Colleen grew up in the Philadelphia area, and graduated summa cum laude from Villanova University with a Bachelor of Arts in Spanish and French in 2008. She spent two years teaching English in Cádiz, Spain, where she cultivated her Spanish language skills.
Colleen began working at J. Kelley Associates, LTD in 2010, while pursuing and earning a Masters in Hispanic Studies in 2013 (Villanova University).
Colleen entered the American Society of Ocularists as an apprentice in 2013, training under her father, Kevin V. Kelley, BCO, BADO. In recognition of her academic achievements and contributions to the ASO, she received the Joseph A. Legrand Award in October of 2018, as well as her diploma in Ophthalmic Prosthetics upon graduation from the ASO College of Ocularistry. In Spring of 2019 she obtained her certification through the National Examining Board of Ocularists.

John J. Kelley, Sr., B.C.O., BADO, FASO (1930-2014)
John was born in the Port Richmond section of Philadelphia on November 24, 1930. He graduated from North Catholic High School in 1948 and began working first for The Otis Elevator Company and later for The Plummer and Kershaw Company a manufacturer of lenses.
He began his ocularist training in 1951 with the Mager and Gougelmann Company. John later formed the private practice of Kelley and Connelly along with Francis Connelly. A firm believer in the importance of education, John attended eight years of night school at LaSalle University during this time, and earned a Bachelor of Science degree in 1968.
In 1967, John established John J. Kelley Associates, Ltd.
John carried his commitment to education into his professional life, and became the first Chairman of the American Society of Ocularists’ Education Committee in 1974. He was instrumental in establishing the education curriculum of the ASO, which is the most recognized school of ocularist training in the world.
In 1980 John was the first Chairman of NEBO. This organization developed the first nationally recognized certification exam for ocularists.
John practiced as an ocularist in the Philadelphia area for over 50 years.